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Safer organisations, safer children : guidelines for child protection policies to build safer organisations Children's Action Plan

Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Children's Action Plan, 2015Description: electronic document (55 pages); PDF file: .1.05 MB.Subject(s): CHILD ABUSE | CHILD PROTECTION | CHILDREN | LEGISLATION | POLICY | VULNERABLE CHILDREN ACT 2014 | WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Download guidelines, PDF | Child protection policies for organisations Summary: "This is a set of good practice advice to help organisations draft high quality child protection policies for identifying and responding to child vulnerability in response to the new requirements in the Vulnerable Children Act 2014. It is a living document, and will evolve as our understanding of how to best respond to children at risk of harm changes." (from the website). For more information about the Children's Action Plan and children's workforce guidelines, follow the website link. Record #4650
List(s) this item appears in: Best practice
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"This is a set of good practice advice to help organisations draft high quality child protection policies for identifying and responding to child vulnerability in response to the new requirements in the Vulnerable Children Act 2014. It is a living document, and will evolve as our understanding of how to best respond to children at risk of harm changes." (from the website). For more information about the Children's Action Plan and children's workforce guidelines, follow the website link. Record #4650

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