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You, me / us produced by Rainbow Youth and It's not OK Campaign

By: Rainbow Youth.
Contributor(s): It's Not OK Campaign.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Auckland, New Zealand : : Rainbow Youth, It's not OK Campaign, 2015Description: electronic document (17 pages); PDF file: 10.86 MB; available in HTML.ISBN: 978-0-478-33599-6.Other title: Ko Koe, Ko Au, Ko Tāua, Ko Tātou.: Ā Tātou Hunga Takāpui, Ā Tātou Hononga.Subject(s): Rainbow Youth | It's Not OK Campaign | Rainbow Youth | FA'AFAFINE | SEXUAL VIOLENCE | RECOMMENDED READING | BISEXUAL | -- DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | -- GAY | -- INTERSEX | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | LESBIAN | LGBTIQ+ | MĀORI | PASIFIKA | QUEER | RESOURCES FOR RAINBOW COMMUNITY | SAME SEX RELATIONSHIPS | TAKATĀPUI | TRANSGENDER | VICTIMS | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online | Download PDF | Read the news item Summary: The It's Not OK campaign and RainbowYOUTH, along with community partner organisations, have collaborated to update a resource on healthy relationships for sexuality and gender diverse communities. Originally produced in 2010, You, Me / Us provides information for queer, trans and takatāpui people, terms explained in the news item and booklet, on sex and consent, identifying and preventing abuse, and asking for help. Read the news item for more information, read the booklet online or download the PDF (large file). Record #4715
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Recommended reading

The It's Not OK campaign and RainbowYOUTH, along with community partner organisations, have collaborated to update a resource on healthy relationships for sexuality and gender diverse communities. Originally produced in 2010, You, Me / Us provides information for queer, trans and takatāpui people, terms explained in the news item and booklet, on sex and consent, identifying and preventing abuse, and asking for help. Read the news item for more information, read the booklet online or download the PDF (large file). Record #4715