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Best practice framework for the delivery of sexual health promotion services to Pacific communities in New Zealand Analosa Veukiso-Ulugia

By: Veukiso-Ulugia, Analosa.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Health, 2013Description: electronic document (43 pages); PDF file: 170.86 KB.Subject(s): HEALTH | PACIFIC PEOPLES | PASIFIKA | REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH | SEXUAL HEALTH | YOUNG PEOPLE | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online Summary: This report proposes a Best Practice Framework for services tasked with delivering Sexual Health Promotion to Pacific communities in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Government’s goal is that New Zealanders experience good sexual and eproductive health. While the Ministry of Health works on health issues that affect all New Zealanders, there is recognition that Pacific peoples alongside Maori and young people are priority populations that require tailored approaches. Commissioned and funded by the Ministry of Health, this Best Practice Framework is designed to build on the existing evidence base on the most appropriate models and approaches that will ultimately lead to an improvement in the health outcomes for Pacific communities in New Zealand.(from the Executive summary) Record #4738
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This report proposes a Best Practice Framework for services tasked with delivering Sexual Health Promotion to Pacific communities in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Government’s goal is that New Zealanders experience good sexual and eproductive health. While the Ministry of
Health works on health issues that affect all New Zealanders, there is recognition that Pacific
peoples alongside Maori and young people are priority populations that require tailored approaches. Commissioned and funded by the Ministry of Health, this Best Practice Framework
is designed to build on the existing evidence base on the most appropriate models and approaches that will ultimately lead to an improvement in the health outcomes for Pacific communities in New Zealand.(from the Executive summary) Record #4738