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Working with Māori survivors of sexual violence Joy Te Wiata and Russell Smith

By: Te Wiata, Joy.
Contributor(s): Smith, Russell | TOAH-NNEST (Te Ohaakii a Hine-National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Te Ohaaki a Hine National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together (TOAH-NNEST), 2016Description: electronic document (39 pages) ; PDF file: 766 KB.Other title: Good Practice Responding to Sexual Violence - Guidelines for mainstream crisis support services for survivors. Round Two.Subject(s): SEXUAL VIOLENCE | TAITŌKAI | RECOMMENDED READING | CRISIS INTERVENTION | Good Practice Responding to Sexual Violence | GUIDELINES | MĀORI | RAPE | SUPPORT SERVICES | SURVIVORS | KAUPAPA | PĀRURENGA | RANGAHAU MĀORI | TOKO I TE ORA | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online | Access the website Summary: This document has been prepared by Joy Te Wiata (Ngati Raukawa) and Russell Smith (Ngatikahu, Ngapuhinui tonu), co-directors of Korowai Tumanako. This kaupapa Māori Sexual Violence Prevention and Intervention Specialist service is designed to support Māori utilising unique Maori clinical practices to meet the needs of Maori. Together Joy and Russell have a combined 28 years experience within the sexual violence sector. They have been involved in several significant research projects, particularly for Māori, within the sector. This is one of the background reports to the inclusiveness section of the main report. See the website for more information about this project and the main report (#5218). Record #5220
List(s) this item appears in: Best practice
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Recommended reading

This document has been prepared by Joy Te Wiata (Ngati Raukawa) and Russell Smith (Ngatikahu, Ngapuhinui tonu), co-directors of Korowai Tumanako. This kaupapa Māori Sexual Violence Prevention and Intervention Specialist service is designed to support Māori utilising unique Maori clinical practices to meet the needs of Maori. Together Joy and Russell have a combined 28 years experience within the sexual violence sector. They have been involved in several significant research projects, particularly for Māori, within the sector. This is one of the background reports to the inclusiveness section of the main report. See the website for more information about this project and the main report (#5218). Record #5220


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