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Peer support practice guidelines : including Organisational quality standards for the provision of support services for male survivors of sexual violence Male Survivors Aotearoa

Contributor(s): Male Survivors Aotearoa.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Male Survivors Aotearoa, 2018Description: electronic document (70 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): SEXUAL VIOLENCE | ABUSED MEN | GUIDELINES | INTERVENTION | MEN | SUPPORT SERVICES | VICTIMS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCEOnline resources: Click here to access online | Practice note, PN22.1: Working well (2022) | About peer support Summary: There are three distinct sections to this document. First peer support is described (pp1-9), then Peer support practice guidelines are provided (pp10-49. The final section provides the Organisational Quality Standards for the provision of support services for male survivors of sexual violence (pp50-70). The standards are based on the Quality Standards for supporting Male Survivors/Victims of Sexual Abuse developed for the Male Survivors Partnership UK. They expect service providers to meet four core quality standards, which together ensure that the specific needs of male clients have been considered within the service provider’s objectives, financial planning, policies and procedures including the training of staff. (From the website). Record #5923
List(s) this item appears in: Best practice
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There are three distinct sections to this document. First peer support is described (pp1-9), then Peer support practice guidelines are provided (pp10-49. The final section provides the Organisational Quality Standards for the provision of support services for male survivors of sexual violence (pp50-70).

The standards are based on the Quality Standards for supporting Male Survivors/Victims of Sexual Abuse developed for the Male Survivors Partnership UK. They expect service providers to meet four core quality standards, which together ensure that the specific needs of male clients have been considered within the service provider’s objectives, financial planning, policies and procedures including the training of staff. (From the website). Record #5923