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Framework for change : reducing children and young people's experience of violence. Report #1 Framework description David Rees, Angela Boswell and Sarah Appleton-Dyer

By: Rees, David.
Contributor(s): Boswell, Angela | Appleton-Dyer, Sarah.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Synergia, 2017Description: electronic document (48 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): Accident Compensation Corporation | SEXUAL VIOLENCE | CHILD ABUSE | CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE | ADOLESCENTS | CHILD EXPOSURE TO VIOLENCE | CHILD NEGLECT | CHILDREN | INTERVENTION | PREVENTION | SOCIAL SERVICES | SUPPORT SERVICES | YOUNG PEOPLE | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online Summary: This document presents the findings from the analysis of the literature, subject matter interviews and a workshop in a Framework for Change. The report is supported by figures, tables and questions that can be used to guide ACC and other key players in making investment decisions to reduce children and young people’s experience of violence. Following this introduction, the report defines the scope of the Framework and provides a brief understanding of the current context and evidence which informed the design of the Framework. The Framework itself is then prefaced by an overview which leads into two key components: spheres of influence and drivers of change, and a systems theory of change. Considerations for targeting and evaluation are also presented. Finally, the implications of utilising the Framework for programme and system design are shared. (From the document). Record #5959
List(s) this item appears in: Frameworks
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Report to ACC.

This document presents the findings from the analysis of the literature, subject matter interviews and a workshop in a Framework for Change. The report is supported by figures,
tables and questions that can be used to guide ACC and other key players in making
investment decisions to reduce children and young people’s experience of violence. Following this introduction, the report defines the scope of the Framework and provides a brief understanding of the current context and evidence which informed the design of the Framework. The Framework itself is then prefaced by an overview which leads into two key components: spheres of influence and drivers of change, and a systems theory of change. Considerations for targeting and evaluation are also presented. Finally, the implications of utilising the Framework for programme and system design are shared. (From the document). Record #5959

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