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INSPIRE indicator guidance and results framework : Unicef ending violence against children: how to define and meaure change

Contributor(s): Unicef.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Unicef, 2018Description: electronic document (122 pages) ; PDF.ISBN: 978-92-806-4975-8.Subject(s): World Health Organization | CHILD ABUSE | INTERVENTION | PREVENTION | PRIMARY PREVENTION | PROGRAMMES | INTERNATIONALOnline resources: INSPIRE framework | INSPIRE resources and webinar series Summary: The INSPIRE Indicator Guidance and Results Framework is designed to help governments and non-governmental organizations monitor progress and track change over time as they implement INSPIRE strategies to prevent and respond to violence against children. It includes a set of core indicators and detailed guidance about how to define and measure these indicators to monitor changes across sites and over time, and a results framework. The indicators are intended to be used side-by-side with detailed programming guidance for each strategy included in the INSPIRE implementation handbook.. (From the website). Record #7330
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The INSPIRE Indicator Guidance and Results Framework is designed to help governments and non-governmental organizations monitor progress and track change over time as they implement INSPIRE strategies to prevent and respond to violence against children. It includes a set of core indicators and detailed guidance about how to define and measure these indicators to monitor changes across sites and over time, and a results framework. The indicators are intended to be used side-by-side with detailed programming guidance for each strategy included in the INSPIRE implementation handbook.. (From the website). Record #7330

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