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Sources of lived experience in the family violence sector : issues paper, July 2022 Anna Wark

By: Wark, Anna.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Melbourne, Vic : Safe and Equal, 2022Description: electronic document (13 pages) ; PDF & DOC files.Subject(s): Safe and Equal | ABUSED WOMEN | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | FAMILY VIOLENCE | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | SUPPORT SERVICES | VICTIM/SURVIVORS' VOICES | VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT | INTERNATIONAL | AUSTRALIAOnline resources: Download paper, PDF | Dowload paper, Word DOCX | Access the website Summary: Building on the research and findings in the Family Violence Experts by Experience Framework, and with the goal of embedding the lived experience of victim survivors within the peak and the broader specialist family violence service sector, this issues paper seeks to explore and understand the different sources of lived experience and how they can be harnessed and integrated into our work. The specialist family violence sector is broadly underpinned by an intersectional feminist framework. In the context of embedding lived experience, it is essential to understand the significance and importance of engaging multiple forms of knowledge: the diversity of lived experience. This paper explores three different but equally valuable and reinforcing ways that lived experience can be embedded within the specialist family violence sector - lived experience in the workforce, lived experience of clients and the lived experience of survivor advocates. (From the Executive summary). Record #7735
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Published July 2022

Building on the research and findings in the Family Violence Experts by Experience Framework, and with the goal of embedding the lived experience of victim survivors within
the peak and the broader specialist family violence service sector, this issues paper seeks to explore and understand the different sources of lived experience and how they can be
harnessed and integrated into our work.

The specialist family violence sector is broadly underpinned by an intersectional feminist framework. In the context of embedding lived experience, it is essential to understand the
significance and importance of engaging multiple forms of knowledge: the diversity of lived experience. This paper explores three different but equally valuable and reinforcing ways that lived experience can be embedded within the specialist family violence sector - lived experience in the workforce, lived experience of clients and the lived experience of survivor advocates. (From the Executive summary). Record #7735

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