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Technology-facilitated abuse : Asher Flynn, Sophie Hindes and Anastasia Powell interviews with victims and survivors and perpetrators

By: Flynn, Asher.
Contributor(s): Hindes, Sophie | Powell, Anastasia.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: ANROWS research report.Publisher: ANROWS, 2022Description: electronic document (50 pages) ; PDF file.ISBN: 978-1-922645-37-1 (PDF) .Subject(s): DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | IMAGE-BASED SEXUAL ABUSE | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | ONLINE HARASSMENT | PERPETRATORS | PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE | SURVEYS | TECHNOLOGY-FACILITATED ABUSE | VICTIM/SURVIVORS' VOICES | VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | INTERNATIONAL | AUSTRALIAOnline resources: Download report, PDF | Access the website | TFA self-reported perpetration fact sheet | TFA victimisation experiences fact sheet | Project webpage In: ANROWS Research report, Issue 11, July 2022Summary: This report presents Stage II findings from a larger national study examining the extent and nature of, and responses to, TFA within the Australian community. It represents the lived experiences of victims and survivors of TFA and identifies the nature of TFA perpetration utilising data from 30 semi-structured qualitative interviews with adult victims and survivors (n=20) and perpetrators (n=10) of TFA. This research found that TFA is being experienced and perpetrated across four broad areas: harassment, monitoring and control, emotional abuse and threats, and sexual and image-based abuse. While a range of motivations and drivers underpin TFA perpetration, gaining and/or maintaining control over the victim and survivor was the primary motivation that emerged from both victim and survivor and perpetrator interviews. The harms experienced by victims and survivors of TFA were lasting, complex and wide-ranging, including physical, emotional and mental health harms, as well as feelings of fear, paranoia and hypervigilance. A gendered component to the abuse was also evident across the interviews. For example, around two thirds of the most recent experience of TFA perpetration committed by a male was against a current or former female intimate partner. (From the website). Record #7759
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ANROWS Research report, Issue 11, July 2022

This report presents Stage II findings from a larger national study examining the extent and nature of, and responses to, TFA within the Australian community. It represents the lived experiences of victims and survivors of TFA and identifies the nature of TFA perpetration utilising data from 30 semi-structured qualitative interviews with adult victims and survivors (n=20) and perpetrators (n=10) of TFA.

This research found that TFA is being experienced and perpetrated across four broad areas: harassment, monitoring and control, emotional abuse and threats, and sexual and image-based abuse. While a range of motivations and drivers underpin TFA perpetration, gaining and/or maintaining control over the victim and survivor was the primary motivation that emerged from both victim and survivor and perpetrator interviews. The harms experienced by victims and survivors of TFA were lasting, complex and wide-ranging, including physical, emotional and mental health harms, as well as feelings of fear, paranoia and hypervigilance. A gendered component to the abuse was also evident across the interviews. For example, around two thirds of the most recent experience of TFA perpetration committed by a male was against a current or former female intimate partner. (From the website). Record #7759

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