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Family violence intervention guidelines : elder abuse and neglect Glasgow, Kathy; Fanslow, Janet L.

By: Glasgow, Kathy.
Contributor(s): Fanslow, Janet L.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington Ministry of Health; Age Concern New Zealand 2007Description: 76 p. ; 30 cm. ; computer file : PDF format (2.5Mb).ISBN: 0478299966.Subject(s): RECOMMENDED READING | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | ELDER ABUSE | GUIDELINES | HEALTH | INTERVENTION | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | NEGLECT | OLDER PEOPLE | SCREENING | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online Summary: These guidelines present a good practice model for identifying and responding to elder abuse and neglect within the health sector. The guidelines aim to be a practical tool for making safe and effective intervention with older people experiencing abuse, and are designed to be relevant to a variety of health professionals and settings. A six step model is outlined as good practice by health professionals who suspect or know that abuse has occurred: Identify, support and empower, assess risk, plan for safety, document and refer. The document provides questions health care providers can ask older people, and appropriate responses. The guidelines are informed by the Te Whare Tapa Wha model (Durie, 1994) that highlights four dimensions of life: taha wairua (spiritual); taha hinengaro (mental); taha tinana (physical);and taha whanau (family, caring). Using this model, the mental, social and spiritual, as well as the physical, effects of violence on victims of elder abuse and neglect are emphasised. Background evidence on the nature of elder abuse and neglect, with separate sections on Maori, Pacific peoples, and ethnic communities are included in the document, along with the organisational prerequisites for establishing a response to elder abuse and neglect. The appendices include signs and symptoms of elder abuse and neglect; risk indicators; sample documentation forms; suggestions for working with carers, and with clients affected by dementia; check list for health care providers; reporting abuse by colleagues; and a list of relevant elder abuse services.
List(s) this item appears in: Best practice
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Recommended reading

These guidelines present a good practice model for identifying and responding to elder abuse and neglect within the health sector. The guidelines aim to be a practical tool for making safe and effective intervention with older people experiencing abuse, and are designed to be relevant to a variety of health professionals and settings. A six step model is outlined as good practice by health professionals who suspect or know that abuse has occurred: Identify, support and empower, assess risk, plan for safety, document and refer. The document provides questions health care providers can ask older people, and appropriate responses. The guidelines are informed by the Te Whare Tapa Wha model (Durie, 1994) that highlights four dimensions of life: taha wairua (spiritual); taha hinengaro (mental); taha tinana (physical);and taha whanau (family, caring). Using this model, the mental, social and spiritual, as well as the physical, effects of violence on victims of elder abuse and neglect are emphasised. Background evidence on the nature of elder abuse and neglect, with separate sections on Maori, Pacific peoples, and ethnic communities are included in the document, along with the organisational prerequisites for establishing a response to elder abuse and neglect. The appendices include signs and symptoms of elder abuse and neglect; risk indicators; sample documentation forms; suggestions for working with carers, and with clients affected by dementia; check list for health care providers; reporting abuse by colleagues; and a list of relevant elder abuse services.


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