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Te Rito : New Zealand family violence prevention strategy

Contributor(s): New Zealand. Ministry of Social Development.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington Ministry of Social Development 2002Description: 56 p. ; computer file : PDF format (571Kb) ; computer file : World Wide Web.ISBN: 0478251203.Subject(s): AUKATI TŪKINOTANGA | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | FAMILY VIOLENCE | INTERVENTION | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | MĀORI | PACIFIC PEOPLES | PASIFIKA | PREVENTION | RAUTAKI | STRATEGY | SOCIAL SERVICES | SUPPORT SERVICES | TOKO I TE ORA | TŪKINOTANGA Ā-WHĀNAU | WĀHINE | WOMEN | TŪKINOTANGA Ā-WHĀNAU | CHILD ABUSE | NEW ZEALANDDDC classification: 362.8292 TER Online resources: Download the strategy, PDF | About Te Rito (MSD) | Related resource - Powerpoint from Family Violence Focus Group,2003 | Media release, 25 October 2003 Summary: This strategic policy statement outlines how the government intends to successfully eliminate family violence over time in New Zealand. The report arose from the Family Violence Focus Group, a group of government and non-government agencies working collaboratively, and it reinforces the government's family violence prevention plan of action released in September 2001. The vision of this strategy is "families/whanau living free from violence", and the goals, objectives and specific, interrelated areas of action for implementation are explained. The strategy was developed from a range of information sources, including literature, community workshops, interviews and written submissions from local, regional and national levels. Information was collated and analysed to determine a strategy for action over preliminary and longer term timeframes. This strategy outlines 18 specific Areas for Action to be implemented over a five year period, including priortising Maori-based approaches; enhancing legal sanctions; improving consistency in law, policy and service delivery; reducing violence in Pacfic communities; expanding stopping violence programme eligibility; developing a research and evaluation programme; improving service capacity, screening and risk assessment; developing standards and guidelines; improving access to services; and public education.
List(s) this item appears in: Strategies
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This item is in the NZFVC Good Practice Database. Currently informs practice.

This strategic policy statement outlines how the government intends to successfully eliminate family violence over time in New Zealand. The report arose from the Family Violence Focus Group, a group of government and non-government agencies working collaboratively, and it reinforces the government's family violence prevention plan of action released in September 2001. The vision of this strategy is "families/whanau living free from violence", and the goals, objectives and specific, interrelated areas of action for implementation are explained. The strategy was developed from a range of information sources, including literature, community workshops, interviews and written submissions from local, regional and national levels. Information was collated and analysed to determine a strategy for action over preliminary and longer term timeframes. This strategy outlines 18 specific Areas for Action to be implemented over a five year period, including priortising Maori-based approaches; enhancing legal sanctions; improving consistency in law, policy and service delivery; reducing violence in Pacfic communities; expanding stopping violence programme eligibility; developing a research and evaluation programme; improving service capacity, screening and risk assessment; developing standards and guidelines; improving access to services; and public education.


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