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Good practice guidelines for co-ordination of family violence services

Contributor(s): New Zealand. Department of Social Welfare. Family Violence Unit.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington Dept. of Social Welfare 1996Description: 36 p. ; computer file : PDF format (994Kb).ISBN: 0478060289.Subject(s): DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | EDUCATION | FAMILY SERVICES | GUIDELINES | INTERAGENCY COLLABORATION | INTERVENTION | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | MONITORING | OFFENDERS | SUPPORT SERVICES | SURVIVORS | VICTIMS | NEW ZEALANDDDC classification: DSW 362.8292 GOO Online resources: Click here to access online Summary: These guidelines were produced with the intention of promoting good working practice in immediate and longer-term response to family violence. The guidelines are underpinned by the premise that preventing family violence in communities requires a coordinated approach across a range of agencies and sectors, including NZ Police, District and Family Courts, Department of Corrections, and the Children Young Persons and their Families Service. They promote victim safety and a consistent and comprehensive approach by agencies, along with inter-agency collaboration, as the three major principles of good practice in working with family violence. Based on experience gained from the Hamilton Abuse Intervention Pilot Project, these guidelines follow a Justice Sector response model and relate to interventions at two key points in the family violence case: Police call-out, and following application for a protection order. They set out the responsibilities and accountabilities of government agencies, and the areas of interface between government and non-government agencies. Recognising that each community is unique, the guidelines are designed to provide a baseline for each community to establish their own more detailed procedures. The guidelines also provide advice for the monitoring of compliance to Good Practice.
List(s) this item appears in: Best practice
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Report Report Family Violence library
TRO 362.8292 GOO 1996 Copy 1 Available A00672386B
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TRVF 000110 Copy 2 Available A00672378B
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This item is in the NZFVC Good Practice Database. Electronic document hosted on NZFVC website with permission.

These guidelines were produced with the intention of promoting good working practice in immediate and longer-term response to family violence. The guidelines are underpinned by the premise that preventing family violence in communities requires a coordinated approach across a range of agencies and sectors, including NZ Police, District and Family Courts, Department of Corrections, and the Children Young Persons and their Families Service. They promote victim safety and a consistent and comprehensive approach by agencies, along with inter-agency collaboration, as the three major principles of good practice in working with family violence. Based on experience gained from the Hamilton Abuse Intervention Pilot Project, these guidelines follow a Justice Sector response model and relate to interventions at two key points in the family violence case: Police call-out, and following application for a protection order. They set out the responsibilities and accountabilities of government agencies, and the areas of interface between government and non-government agencies. Recognising that each community is unique, the guidelines are designed to provide a baseline for each community to establish their own more detailed procedures. The guidelines also provide advice for the monitoring of compliance to Good Practice.
