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Koe Fakatupuolamoui he tou Magafaoa Niue: a Niuean Conceptual Framework for addressing family violence

Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, N.Z.: Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families, Ministry of Social Development, 2012Description: electronic document (16 p.); PDF file.Subject(s): PREVENTION | FAMILY VIOLENCE | RECOMMENDED READING | Conceptual frameworks for specific Pacific communities | CULTURAL ISSUES | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | NIUEAN PEOPLE | PACIFIC PEOPLES | PASIFIKA | NEW ZEALAND | NIUEDDC classification: 362.8292 Online resources: Click here to access online | Access the website Summary: This document was developed by the Niuean Working Group to assist with the development of a training programme for Niuean practitioners and service providers working with victims, perpetrators, and families from our communities who have been affected by family violence. It is recommended that this document is read in conjunction with ‘Falevitu: A literature review on culture and family violence in seven Pacific communities in New Zealand’ and ‘Nga vaka o kāiga tapu: A Pacific Conceptual Framework to address family violence in New Zealand.’ [from the introductory pages] The nine documents that form the Pacific Conceptual Frameworks can be accessed from the website link.
List(s) this item appears in: Frameworks
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Recommended reading

This document was developed by the Niuean Working Group to assist with the development of a training programme for Niuean practitioners and service providers working with victims, perpetrators, and families from our communities who have been affected by family violence.

It is recommended that this document is read in conjunction with ‘Falevitu: A literature review on culture and family violence in seven Pacific communities in New Zealand’ and ‘Nga vaka o kāiga tapu:
A Pacific Conceptual Framework to address family violence in New Zealand.’ [from the introductory pages]

The nine documents that form the Pacific Conceptual Frameworks can be accessed from the website link.

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