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Children's action plan : identifying, supporting and protecting vulnerable children

Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, N.Z.: New Zealand Government, 2012Description: 12 p. 21 cm; electronic document (16 p.); PDF file:507.23 KB.Other title: The white paper for vulnerable children.Subject(s): ACTION PLAN | AUKATI TŪKINOTANGA | GOVERNMENT POLICY | CHILD ABUSE | CHILD NEGLECT | CHILD PROTECTION | CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE | INTERVENTION | PREVENTION | PATU TAMARIKI | RAUTAKI | RAWEKE TAMARIKI | SOCIAL SERVICES | TOKO I TE ORA | NEW ZEALANDDDC classification: 362.767 Online resources: Archived copy | Archived website 2013 | Archived website 2017 | About Children's Teams - current infomation | Read news item Summary: New Zealand's Minister for Social Development, Hon. Paula Bennett released the White Paper for Vulnerable Children on 11 October 2012. The Children's Action Plan sits behind the White Paper. It provides a framework for what action is being taken to protect children and when each milestone is achieved. There are four parts to the White Paper for Vulnerable Children: Volume I contains the Government’s plans for getting better outcomes for our most at-risk children. Children’s Action Plan – setting out actions and timeframes. Volume II contains the evidence and the detailed rationale for the plans. There is also a link to the NZFVC news item. Summary of Submissions – covering the nearly 10,000 received on the Green Paper for Vulnerable Children. The 16 page Children's Action Plan has been archived by the National Library of New Zealand. All information relating to the White Paper and the Green Paper which preceded it were available via the Children's Action Plan website (now archived). Original documents were on the Ministry of Social Development website. The Green Paper (#35546) and White Papers (#3969 & #3970) are still available online (15/1/2019). Record #3971
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TRO 362.767 CHI Copy 1 Available FV12100523
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TRO 362.767 CHI Copy 2 Available FV12100524

New Zealand's Minister for Social Development, Hon. Paula Bennett released the White Paper for Vulnerable Children on 11 October 2012.

The Children's Action Plan sits behind the White Paper. It provides a framework for what action is being taken to protect children and when each milestone is achieved.

There are four parts to the White Paper for Vulnerable Children:
Volume I contains the Government’s plans for getting better outcomes for our most at-risk children.

Children’s Action Plan – setting out actions and timeframes.

Volume II contains the evidence and the detailed rationale for the plans. There is also a link to the NZFVC news item.

Summary of Submissions – covering the nearly 10,000 received on the Green Paper for Vulnerable Children.

The 16 page Children's Action Plan has been archived by the National Library of New Zealand.

All information relating to the White Paper and the Green Paper which preceded it were available via the Children's Action Plan website (now archived). Original documents were on the Ministry of Social Development website. The Green Paper (#35546) and White Papers (#3969 & #3970) are still available online (15/1/2019).

Record #3971

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