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Domestic violence, abuse and neglect of disabled people

Contributor(s): Hager, Debbie | Butler, Jo.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Family Violence: It's not OK, 2016Description: electronic document (24 pages) : Word DOCX file: 77 KB; electronic document (24 page) ; PDF file: 5.6 MB.Subject(s): DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | DISABILITY | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | NEGLECT | RESOURCES FOR CAREGIVERS | RESOURCES FOR DISABLED PEOPLE | SUPPORT SERVICES | DISABLED PEOPLE | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Download archived copy, PDF | Information for disabled people on Are you OK website Summary: "An updated booklet on domestic violence experienced by people with disabilities is now available for free from the It's not OK Campaign website. The booklet has updated information of descriptions of types of abuse; who may potentially abuse; and contacts for support. The revised booklet is called "Domestic violence, abuse and neglect of disabled people". It was updated by Debbie Hager and Jo Butler who were involved as authors of the first booklet. The organisations DVD Auckland Domestic Violence and Disability Working Group, Innercity Women's Group and Homeworks are thanked for their contribution to the new version." (From the website). The PDF and Word versions can be downloaded. The printed booklet can be ordered from Family Violence: It's not OK. Record #5061
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"An updated booklet on domestic violence experienced by people with disabilities is now available for free from the It's not OK Campaign website.

The booklet has updated information of descriptions of types of abuse; who may potentially abuse; and contacts for support.

The revised booklet is called "Domestic violence, abuse and neglect of disabled people". It was updated by Debbie Hager and Jo Butler who were involved as authors of the first booklet.

The organisations DVD Auckland Domestic Violence and Disability Working Group, Innercity Women's Group and Homeworks are thanked for their contribution to the new version." (From the website). The PDF and Word versions can be downloaded. The printed booklet can be ordered from Family Violence: It's not OK. Record #5061

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