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"Everything, with us" : working with people with disabilities Ezekiel Robson

By: Robson, Ezekiel.
Contributor(s): TOAH-NNEST (Te Ohaakii a Hine-National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Te Ohaaki a Hine National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together (TOAH-NNEST), 2016Description: electronic document (39 pages) ; PDF file: 766 KB.Other title: Good Practice Responding to Sexual Violence - Guidelines for mainstream crisis support services for survivors. Round Two.Subject(s): DISABLED PEOPLE | SEXUAL VIOLENCE | RECOMMENDED READING | CRISIS INTERVENTION | Good Practice Responding to Sexual Violence | GUIDELINES | RAPE | SUPPORT SERVICES | SURVIVORS | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online | Access the website Summary: This strand of research and consultation contributes to a broader update of ‘Good Practice Guidelines for Mainstream Crisis Support (TOAH-¬‐NNEST, 2009), with a purpose to explore particular issues for people with disabilities who experience sexual abuse/assault, their access to crisis support services the capacity of those services to support them. This project includes a review of available literature on what the historical evidence base is, and what good practice might be, in terms of provision of mainstream crisis support services to disabled survivors of sexual abuse/assault. Key informant interviews with relevant sector leaders and professionals are analysed for qualitative experiences illustrating the concerns of disabled people, disability services, and sexual violence services. This final report was developed to highlight areas of need, document the overall findings, and offer recommendations and appropriate good practice guidelines for mainstream crisis support services. (From the overview). See the website for more information about this project and the main report (#5218). Record #5219
List(s) this item appears in: Best practice
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Recommended reading

This strand of research and consultation contributes to a broader update of ‘Good Practice Guidelines for Mainstream Crisis Support (TOAH-¬‐NNEST, 2009), with a purpose to explore particular issues for people with disabilities who experience sexual abuse/assault, their access to crisis support services the capacity of those services to support them. This project includes a review of available literature on what the historical evidence base is, and what good practice might be, in terms of provision of mainstream crisis support services to disabled survivors of sexual abuse/assault. Key informant interviews with relevant sector leaders and professionals are analysed for qualitative experiences illustrating the concerns of disabled people, disability services, and sexual violence services. This final report was developed to highlight areas of
need, document the overall findings, and offer recommendations and appropriate good practice guidelines for mainstream crisis support services. (From the overview). See the website for more information about this project and the main report (#5218). Record #5219


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