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Working with male survivors of sexual violence David Mitchell

By: Mitchell, David.
Contributor(s): TOAH-NNEST (Te Ohaakii a Hine-National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Te Ohaaki a Hine National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together (TOAH-NNEST), 2016Description: electronic document (18 pages) ; PDF file: 500 KB.Other title: Good Practice Responding to Sexual Violence - Guidelines for mainstream crisis support services for survivors. Round Two.Subject(s): SEXUAL VIOLENCE | CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE | RECOMMENDED READING | ABUSED MEN | CRISIS INTERVENTION | Good Practice Responding to Sexual Violence | GUIDELINES | MEN | RAPE | SUPPORT SERVICES | SURVIVORS | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online | Access the website Summary: This report contributes to a larger, more comprehensive project looking at good practice in response to sexual violence across a number of population groups. The report aims to: • Establish what is ‘good practice’ for mainstream crisis support services when working with male survivors of sexual violence, through a review of the literature and hui with appropriate people. • Develop this ‘good practice’ into recommended guidelines which can be used by mainstream crisis support services to inform their service development and practice. (Overview). This is one of the background reports to the inclusiveness section of the main report. See the website for more information about this project and the main report (#5218). Record #5222
List(s) this item appears in: Best practice
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Recommended reading

This report contributes to a larger, more comprehensive project looking at good practice in response to sexual violence across a number of population groups. The report aims to:
• Establish what is ‘good practice’ for mainstream crisis support services when working with male survivors of sexual violence, through a review of the literature and hui with appropriate people.
• Develop this ‘good practice’ into recommended guidelines which can be used by mainstream crisis support services to inform their service development and practice. (Overview). This is one of the background reports to the inclusiveness section of the main report. See the website for more information about this project and the main report (#5218). Record #5222


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