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Healthy Ageing Strategy Ministry of Health

By: New Zealand. Ministry of Health.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Ministry of Health 2016Description: electronic document (68 pages); PDF file: 1.31 MB; DOCX format available.ISBN: 9780947515850 (online).Subject(s): DISABLED PEOPLE | DISABILITY | ELDER ABUSE | HEALTH | NEGLECT | OLDER PEOPLE | POLICY | SOCIAL SERVICES | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Download strategy, PDF | Access the website | NZFVC news item Summary: The Strategy refreshes and replaces the Health of Older People Strategy 2002 (#3017), and aligns with the new New Zealand Health Strategy 2016.   The Healthy Ageing Strategy vision is that “older people live well, age well, and have a respectful end of life in age-friendly communities”. It takes a life-course approach that seeks to maximise health and wellbeing for all older people.   The Strategy sets a framework whereby policies, funding, planning and service delivery:  prioritise healthy ageing and resilience into and throughout people’s older years  enable high quality acute and restorative care, for effective rehabilitation, recovery and restoration after acute events  ensure people can live well with long-term conditions  better support people with high and complex needs  provide respectful end-of-life care that caters to physical, cultural and spiritual needs.   The Strategy is the result of an extensive engagement and consultation process. (From the website). For more information about the development of the strategy and for DOCX format, follow the website link. The Healthy Ageing Strategy includes a detailed action plan. Some actions relate to family violence and elder abuse and neglect - read more in the NZFVC news item. Record #5275
List(s) this item appears in: Strategies
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The Strategy refreshes and replaces the Health of Older People Strategy 2002 (#3017), and aligns with the new New Zealand Health Strategy 2016.  

The Healthy Ageing Strategy vision is that “older people live well, age well, and have a respectful end of life in age-friendly communities”. It takes a life-course approach that seeks to maximise health and wellbeing for all older people.  

The Strategy sets a framework whereby policies, funding, planning and service delivery: 

prioritise healthy ageing and resilience into and throughout people’s older years 
enable high quality acute and restorative care, for effective rehabilitation, recovery and restoration after acute events 
ensure people can live well with long-term conditions 
better support people with high and complex needs 
provide respectful end-of-life care that caters to physical, cultural and spiritual needs.  

The Strategy is the result of an extensive engagement and consultation process. (From the website). For more information about the development of the strategy and for DOCX format, follow the website link. The Healthy Ageing Strategy includes a detailed action plan. Some actions relate to family violence and elder abuse and neglect - read more in the NZFVC news item. Record #5275


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