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Respect and responsibility : full report Robyn Cockburn and Lucy Atkinson

By: Cockburn, Robyn.
Contributor(s): Atkinson, Lucy.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand ; New Zealand Rugby, 2017Description: electronic document (166 pages) ; PDF file: 3.20 MB.Subject(s): New Zealand Rugby | SEXUAL VIOLENCE | ALCOHOL-RELATED HARM | ALCOHOL USE | ATTITUDES | INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS | SPORT | VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online | Summary | Access the website | NZFVC news item Summary: This review was initiated in 2016 after criticism about players harassing and behaving violently towards women and the organisation's response. The review involved looking at existing research, policies, protocols, best practice models, stakeholder engagement and an online "mailbox." The review also considered the 2013 Independent Review of Player Welfare and the resulting areas of change that NZ Rugby has been working on. (From the NZFVC news item). There is also a 17 page summary of recommendations. See the news item and the New Zealand Rugby website for more background information. Record #5581
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This review was initiated in 2016 after criticism about players harassing and behaving violently towards women and the organisation's response.

The review involved looking at existing research, policies, protocols, best practice models, stakeholder engagement and an online "mailbox." The review also considered the 2013 Independent Review of Player Welfare and the resulting areas of change that NZ Rugby has been working on. (From the NZFVC news item). There is also a 17 page summary of recommendations. See the news item and the New Zealand Rugby website for more background information. Record #5581

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