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Unpacking violence : a storytelling resource for understanding non-physical forms of abuse and the gendered drivers of violence against women Our Watch

Contributor(s): Our Watch.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Melbourne, Vic : Our Watch, 2019Description: electronic document (65 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): ATTITUDES | DISABLED PEOPLE | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | ELDER ABUSE | EMOTIONAL ABUSE | FAMILY VIOLENCE | FINANCIAL ABUSE | GENDER | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES | PARENTAL ABUSE | PRIMARY PREVENTION | SEXUAL HARASSMENT | SIBLING ABUSE | VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN | WORKPLACE | AUSTRALIAOnline resources: Download report, PDF | Archived by APO | Access Our Watch website for current resources Summary: This resource aims to support practitioners to use narrative stories as the basis for unpacking and exploring different forms of non-physical abuse, their dynamics and impacts, and how they illustrate the gendered drivers of violence against women. The narratives consider a number of different forms of violence against women, in different settings and with different perpetrators. (From the website). This resource has been archived by APO. Visit the Our Watch website for currentl resources. Record #6169
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This resource aims to support practitioners to use narrative stories as the basis for unpacking and exploring different forms of non-physical abuse, their dynamics and impacts, and how they illustrate the gendered drivers of violence against women. The narratives consider a number of different forms of violence against women, in different settings and with different perpetrators. (From the website). This resource has been archived by APO. Visit the Our Watch website for currentl resources. Record #6169

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