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Male survivors of sexual abuse service guidelines : F21 Ministry of Social Development

Contributor(s): New Zealand. Ministry of Social Development.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Ministry of Social Development, 2020Description: electronic document (32 pages) ; PDF file: 654 KB.Subject(s): New Zealand. Ministry of Social Development | ABUSED MEN | ADULT SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL ABUSE | CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE | CRISIS INTERVENTION | FUNDING CONTRACTING SERVICE GUIDELINES | GUIDELINES | INTERVENTION | SEXUAL VIOLENCE | SUPPORT SERVICES | VICTIMS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE | YOUNG MEN | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online | Check for updates Summary: These guidelines are for the Providers that the Ministry of Social Development (“the Ministry”) contracts with to provide services to male survivors of sexual abuse (“MSSA Services”). MSSA Services developed to fill a gap for male survivors of sexual abuse who were not accessing support from mainstream sexual violence providers (who primarily focus on female victims). Since the early 1990s, the number of specialist sexual violence providers supporting male survivors of sexual abuse in New Zealand has increased. There are now a number of MSSA Services providing peer support and advocacy services to male survivors across the country. (From the document). This is a living document and will be updated over time to take into account provider feedback. Access the website to check for updates. Record #6208
List(s) this item appears in: Best practice
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Updated June 2020

These guidelines are for the Providers that the Ministry of Social Development (“the Ministry”) contracts with to provide services to male survivors of sexual abuse (“MSSA Services”).

MSSA Services developed to fill a gap for male survivors of sexual abuse who were not accessing support from mainstream sexual violence providers (who primarily focus on female victims).

Since the early 1990s, the number of specialist sexual violence providers supporting male survivors of sexual abuse in New Zealand has increased. There are now a number of MSSA Services providing peer support and advocacy services to male survivors across the country. (From the document).

This is a living document and will be updated over time to take into account provider feedback. Access the website to check for updates. Record #6208