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Te Olaga Ola Filemu - A life embarked with peace and wellbeing : Tuvalu Family Violence Prevention Plan Pasefika Proud

Contributor(s): Pasefika Proud.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Pasefika Proud, 2019Description: electronic document (23 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | FAMILY VIOLENCE | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | PACIFIC PEOPLES | PASIFIKA | PREVENTION | PRIMARY PREVENTION | RESOURCES FOR PASIFIKA | RESOURCES FOR COMMUNITIES | RESILIENCE | STRATEGY | TUVALUAN PEOPLE | WELLBEING | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online | Access the website Summary: The Tuvalu Family Violence Prevention Plan was developed in collaboration with Tuvalu communities across New Zealand. It integrates the unique Tuvalu culture and values in framing approaches to prevent the occurrence and reoccurrence of violence in Tuvalu families and communities, with the emphasis being more on prevention than intervention strategies. (From the Executive summary). Record #6341
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The Tuvalu Family Violence Prevention Plan was developed in collaboration with Tuvalu communities across New Zealand. It integrates the unique Tuvalu culture and values
in framing approaches to prevent the occurrence and reoccurrence of violence in Tuvalu families and communities, with the emphasis being more on prevention than intervention strategies. (From the Executive summary). Record #6341

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