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Caring for our tamaiti mokopuna : voices of Ngāti Porou tamaiti mokopuna and whānau Te Runanganui o Ngāti Porou

Contributor(s): Te Runanganui o Ngāti Porou.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Te Runanganui o Ngāti Porou, 2019Description: electronic document (51 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): Te Runanganui o Ngāti Porou | Oranga Tamariki, Ministry for Children | CHILD ABUSE | CHILD PROTECTION | CHILD WELFARE | CHILDREN | VOICES OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE | FAMILIES | OUT OF HOME CARE | GRANDCHILDREN | MĀORI | SOCIAL SERVICES | SUPPORT SERVICES | VICTIM/SURVIVORS' VOICES | YOUNG PEOPLE | PATU TAMARIKI | RANGAHAU MĀORI | RĀTONGA KI TE IWI | TAIOHI | TAITAMARIKI | TAMARIKI | TOKO I TE ORA | TURE WHĀNAU | WHĀNAU | WHĀNGAI | NEW ZEALAND | EAST COAST | NGĀTI POROUOnline resources: Download report, PDF, archived by National Library | Ngāti Porou website Summary: This report revisits the themes of 1987’s Ara Kainga, and canvasses this generation of Ngāti Porou on their aims and aspirations for our tamariki and mokopuna, and the challenges these pose for whānau, the Runanganui and the State. The paramount objective is that all tamariki mokopuna are nurtured in caring and loving environments provided by their immediate and extended whānau. To this end, the report urges us to focus on Ngāti Porou whānau, who are at risk, to restore their capacity to provide for their members’ emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. In doing so, Ngāti Porou will be reducing and reversing the flow of our mokopuna into state care; and we will be replenishing the future stocks of Ngāti Porou's family leaders, and the fabric of its hapū, marae and communities. (From the website). Record #6525
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This report revisits the themes of 1987’s Ara Kainga, and canvasses this generation of Ngāti Porou on their aims and aspirations for our tamariki and mokopuna, and the challenges these pose for whānau, the Runanganui and the State.

The paramount objective is that all tamariki mokopuna are nurtured in caring and loving environments provided by their immediate and extended whānau. To this end, the report urges us to focus on Ngāti Porou whānau, who are at risk, to restore their capacity to provide for their members’ emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.

In doing so, Ngāti Porou will be reducing and reversing the flow of our mokopuna into state care; and we will be replenishing the future stocks of Ngāti Porou's family leaders, and the fabric of its hapū, marae and communities. (From the website). Record #6525

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