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E Tū Whānau mahere rautaki : framework for change 2019 - 2024 Ministry of Social Development

Contributor(s): E Tū Whānau! | New Zealand. Ministry of Social Development.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Ministry of Social Development, 2020Edition: Revised.Description: electronic document (64 pages) ; PDF file.ISBN: 978-1-99-002313-2 (PDF).Subject(s): AUKATI TŪKINOTANGA | CHILD ABUSE | CULTURE | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | ETHNIC COMMUNITIES | FAMILY VIOLENCE | GOVERNMENT POLICY | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | MANENE | MĀORI | MIGRANTS | PREVENTION | PATU TAMARIKI | RAUTAKI | REFUGEES | STRATEGY | TŪKINOTANGA Ā-WHĀNAU | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Download the framework 2019 - 2024, PDF | Access the website | Download original framework document, 2019 - 2023, PDF Summary: E Tū Whānau is a kaupapa Māori initiative which has also been embraced by former refugee and migrant communities. Emerging evidence validates the importance of cultural values and constructs to engage whānau and communities and to trigger behavioural change. It is considered a world leading model for partnerships between indigenous communities and government to address significant social issues. The Ministry of Social Development has launched three five-year frameworks (2019-2023) for MSD’s key family violence prevention initiatives – E Tū Whānau, Pasefika Proud and The Campaign for Action, with its primary campaign It’s Not OK. Each initiative has its own particular community focus and audience, but the collective impact of this work is to create long term positive change for families across Aotearoa. (From the website). Record #6725
List(s) this item appears in: Frameworks | Strategies
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Published June 2020

E Tū Whānau is a kaupapa Māori initiative which has also been embraced by former refugee and migrant communities. Emerging evidence validates the importance of cultural values and constructs to engage whānau and communities and to trigger behavioural change. It is considered a world leading model for partnerships between indigenous communities and government to address significant social issues.

The Ministry of Social Development has launched three five-year frameworks (2019-2023) for MSD’s key family violence prevention initiatives – E Tū Whānau, Pasefika Proud and The Campaign for Action, with its primary campaign It’s Not OK.

Each initiative has its own particular community focus and audience, but the collective impact of this work is to create long term positive change for families across Aotearoa. (From the website). Record #6725

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