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Concerning sexual ideation service : service guidelines. F21 Ministry of Social Development

Contributor(s): New Zealand. Ministry of Social Development.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Ministry of Social Development, 2020Description: electronic document (19 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): ATTITUDES | SEXUAL VIOLENCE | FUNDING CONTRACTING SERVICE GUIDELINES | GUIDELINES | INTERVENTION | PERPETRATORS | HARMFUL SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR | SUPPORT SERVICES | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online | Check for updates | HSB services development Summary: These Concerning Sexual Ideation Service Guidelines (“Guidelines”) are for providers the Ministry of Social Development (“the Ministry”) contracts with to provide a concerning sexual ideation (CSI) service to non-mandated adults (“the service”). This is a living document and will be updated over time to take into account provider feedback. Follow the first link to find updates. Follow the second link for more information about the development of HSB services for non-mandated adults. Concerning sexual ideation (CSI) is a descriptor for people who have harmful sexual thoughts or fantasies, but who have not yet acted on them. CSI involves ideating about sexual activities focused upon force, coercion or other forms of manipulation. Harmful sexual behaviour (HSB) or sexually abusive behaviour is a descriptor for a number of sexual behaviours that involve elements of force, coercion and/or power by one person over another for the purpose of sexual gratification and control. These behaviours can include both contact and non-contact behaviour. See #5522 and #5521 for related service guidelines. Record #6767
List(s) this item appears in: Best practice
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Last updated June 2020

These Concerning Sexual Ideation Service Guidelines (“Guidelines”) are for providers the Ministry of Social Development (“the Ministry”) contracts with to provide a concerning sexual ideation (CSI) service to non-mandated adults (“the service”).

This is a living document and will be updated over time to take into account provider feedback. Follow the first link to find updates. Follow the second link for more information about the development of HSB services for non-mandated adults.

Concerning sexual ideation (CSI) is a descriptor for people who have harmful sexual thoughts or fantasies, but who have not yet acted on them. CSI involves ideating about sexual activities focused upon force, coercion or other forms of manipulation.
Harmful sexual behaviour (HSB) or sexually abusive behaviour is a descriptor for a number of sexual behaviours that involve elements of force, coercion and/or power by one person
over another for the purpose of sexual gratification and control. These behaviours can include both contact and non-contact behaviour. See #5522 and #5521 for related service guidelines.
Record #6767