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Youth19: Safety & violence brief Terry Fleming, Dan Archer, Tatyana King-Finau, M. Dewhurst and Terryann Clark

By: Fleming, Terry M.
Contributor(s): Archer, Dan | King-Finau, Tatyana | Dewhurst, M | Clark, Terryann C.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Youth2000 survey series.Publisher: Youth19 & The Adolescent Health Research Group, 2021Description: electronic document (14 pages); PDF file.Subject(s): Adolescent Health Research Group | ADOLESCENTS | ADOLESCENT RELATIONSHIP ABUSE | CHILD ABUSE | CHILD EXPOSURE TO VIOLENCE | CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE | CHILDREN | DATING VIOLENCE | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | | | HAUORA HINENGARO | INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | KURA TUARUA | MENTAL HEALTH | PATU TAMARIKI | RĀRANGI PĀTAI | SAFETY | SCHOOLS | SEXUAL VIOLENCE | STATISTICS | SURVEYS | RAWEKE TAMARIKI | TAITAMARIKI | TAITŌKAI | TAMARIKI | TATAURANGA | TŪKINOTANGA | TŪKINOTANGA Ā-WHĀNAU | VIOLENCE | YOUNG PEOPLE | YOUTH19 | YOUTH2000 | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online | Access the website | Publications from previous Youth2000 surveys In: Youth2000 survey seriesSummary: All young people are entitled to be safe and free from abuse at home, in schools and in communities. These are basic human rights, which are important for immediate and long term mental and physical health. In this brief, the authors outline key indicators on safety and violence from Youth19 and previous Youth2000 surveys. This builds previous Youth2000 previous analyses. Youth19 is the latest in the Youth2000 Survey Series carried out by the Adolescent Health Research Group, including researchers from The University of Auckland, Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington, University of Otago and others. The Youth2000 surveys have involved over 36 000 adolescents in large-scale school surveys in 2001, 2007, 2012 and 2019, along with surveys among other groups of teenagers in other years. See for more. (From the document). Record #7332
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Youth2000 survey series

All young people are entitled to be safe and free from abuse at home, in schools and in communities. These are basic human rights, which are important for immediate and long term mental and physical health. In this brief, the authors outline key indicators on safety and violence from Youth19 and previous Youth2000 surveys. This builds previous Youth2000 previous analyses.

Youth19 is the latest in the Youth2000 Survey Series carried out by the Adolescent Health Research Group, including researchers from The University of Auckland, Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington, University of Otago and others. The Youth2000 surveys have involved over 36 000 adolescents in large-scale school surveys in 2001, 2007, 2012 and 2019, along with surveys among other groups of teenagers in other years. See for more. (From the document). Record #7332


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