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Social-level factors related to positive mental health outcomes following intimate partner violence : results from a population-based Aotearoa New Zealand sample Setayesh Pir, Ladan Hashemi, Pauline Gulliver, Janine Wiles, Tracey McIntosh and Janet Fanslow

By: Pir, Setayesh.
Contributor(s): Hashemi, Ladan | Gulliver, Pauline | Wiles, Janine | McIntosh, Tracey | Fanslow, Janet L.
Material type: materialTypeLabelArticleSeries: Violence Against Women.Publisher: Sage, 2022Subject(s): DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | HELP SEEKING | INFORMAL SUPPORTERS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SURVIVORS | INTERVENTION | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | MENTAL HEALTH | PROTECTIVE FACTORS | SUPPORT SERVICES | SURVEYS | VICTIM/SURVIVORS' VOICES | 2019 NZ Family Violence Study | He Koiora Matapopore | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: DOI: 10.1177/10778012211037380 In: Violence Against Women, 2022, 28(11): 2742-2764Summary: Intimate partner violence (IPV) continues to be an issue for women globally. There remains a gap in research about what contributes to better mental health following IPV. The sociodemographic characteristics and other factors associated with positive mental health were explored among a sample of 454 women aged 16 years and over who reported previous exposure to physical and/or sexual IPV. Sixty-six percent of women reported positive mental health. The cessation of violence, support at disclosure, and ongoing informal support were factors significantly associated with positive mental health. Greater community outreach to improve responses to disclosure and practical support is needed. (Authors' abstract). Record #7355
List(s) this item appears in: Statistics - 2019 family violence study
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Violence Against Women, 2022, 28(11): 2742-2764

Intimate partner violence (IPV) continues to be an issue for women globally. There remains a gap in research about what contributes to better mental health following IPV. The sociodemographic characteristics and other factors associated with positive mental health were explored among a sample of 454 women aged 16 years and over who reported previous exposure to physical and/or sexual IPV. Sixty-six percent of women reported positive mental health. The cessation of violence, support at disclosure, and ongoing informal support were factors significantly associated with positive mental health. Greater community outreach to improve responses to disclosure and practical support is needed. (Authors' abstract). Record #7355