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He arotake ngā tūraru | Reviewing risk : he kohinga kōrero | a discussion paper

Contributor(s): New Zealand. Ministry of Health.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Ministry of Health, 2022Description: electronic document (56 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): RISK ASSESSMENT | RISK MANAGEMENT | MENTAL HEALTH | SUPPORT SERVICES | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Download report, PDF | Access website Summary: The Report of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction, He Ara Oranga, identified concerns that mental health professionals have developed a risk-averse culture and defensive practice. To respond to these concerns, He Ara Oranga recommended that there should be a national discussion to reconsider beliefs, evidence and attitudes about mental health and risk. This discussion paper has been written to contribute to that conversation. The document should be viewed as a conversation starter for discussion and the frank sharing of ideas; it is not intended to be a definitive or complete response to Recommendation 35. Please note this document does not necessarily reflect the views of the Ministry of Health. (From the document). Record #7989
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Published December 2022

The Report of the Government Inquiry into Mental
Health and Addiction, He Ara Oranga, identified
concerns that mental health professionals have
developed a risk-averse culture and defensive
practice. To respond to these concerns, He
Ara Oranga recommended that there should
be a national discussion to reconsider beliefs,
evidence and attitudes about mental health and
risk. This discussion paper has been written to
contribute to that conversation.
The document should be viewed as a
conversation starter for discussion and the
frank sharing of ideas; it is not intended
to be a definitive or complete response to
Recommendation 35. Please note this document
does not necessarily reflect the views of the
Ministry of Health. (From the document). Record #7989

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