How well public organisations are supporting Whānau Ora and whānau-centred approaches Controller and Auditor-General | Tumaki o te Mana Arotake
Contributor(s): New Zealand. Office of the Auditor-General
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Presented to the House of Representatives under section 20 of
the Public Audit Act 2001, February 2023
Whānau Ora comprises a group of whānau-centred initiatives, including the Whānau Ora commissioning approach, that put whānau at the centre of decision-making about their well-being and aspirations. The Whānau Ora commissioning approach involves Te Puni Kōkiri contracting three commissioning agencies to invest in whānau-centred services throughout the
country. Providers of these services work with whānau and support them to achieve their goals.
In 2019, the Minister for Whānau Ora advised Cabinet that he wanted to grow whānau-centred approaches to policy development and service delivery and increase public organisations’ investment in Whānau Ora. Te Puni Kōkiri is the
department responsible for Whānau Ora and now has a strategic focus area reflecting these aims.
The Office of the Auditor-General wanted to know what progress Te Puni Kōkiri and other public organisations have made in supporting and implementing Whānau Ora and whānau-centred approaches more generally. (From the OAG's summary). Record #8069