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Medical evidence assisting non-fatal strangulation prosecution : a scoping review Leah S. Sharman, Robin Fitzgerald and Heather Douglas

By: Sharman, Leah S.
Contributor(s): Fitzgerald, Robin | Douglas, Heather.
Material type: materialTypeLabelArticleSeries: BMJ Open.Publisher: BMJ, 2023Subject(s): DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | EVIDENCE | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | LITERATURE REVIEWS | JUSTICE | PHYSICAL ABUSE | STRANGULATION | INTERNATIONAL | AUSTRALIAOnline resources: Read online In: BMJ Open, 2023, 13(2)Summary: Objectives Non-fatal strangulation (NFS) is a serious form of gendered violence that is fast becoming an offence in many jurisdictions worldwide. However, it often leaves little or no externally visible injuries making prosecution challenging. This review aimed to provide an overview of how health professionals can support the prosecution of criminal charges of NFS as part of regular practice, particularly when externally visible injuries are absent. Method Eleven databases were searched with terms related to NFS and medical evidence in health sciences and legal databases. Eligible articles were English language and peer reviewed, published before 30 June 2021; sample over 18 years that had primarily survived a strangulation attempt and included medical investigations of NFS injuries, clinical documentation of NFS or medical evidence related to NFS prosecution. Results Searches found 25 articles that were included for review. Alternate light sources appeared to be the most effective tool for finding evidence of intradermal injury among NFS survivors that were not otherwise visible. However, there was only one article that examined the utility of this tool. Other common diagnostic imaging was less effective at detection, but were sought after by prosecutors, particularly MRIs of the head and neck. Recording injuries and other aspects of the assault using standardised tools specific for NFS were suggested for documenting evidence. Other documentation included writing verbatim quotes of the experience of the assault and taking good quality photographs that could assist with corroborating a survivor’s story and proving intent, if relevant for the jurisdiction. Conclusion Clinical responses to NFS should include investigation and standardised documentation of internal and external injuries, subjective complaints and the experience of the assault. These records can assist in providing corroborating evidence of the assault, reducing the need for survivor testimony in court proceedings and increasing the likelihood of a guilty plea. (Authors' abstract). Record #8100
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BMJ Open, 2023, 13(2)

Objectives Non-fatal strangulation (NFS) is a serious form of gendered violence that is fast becoming an offence in many jurisdictions worldwide. However, it often leaves little or no externally visible injuries making prosecution challenging. This review aimed to provide an overview of how health professionals can support the prosecution of criminal charges of NFS as part of regular practice, particularly when externally visible injuries are absent.

Method Eleven databases were searched with terms related to NFS and medical evidence in health sciences and legal databases. Eligible articles were English language and peer reviewed, published before 30 June 2021; sample over 18 years that had primarily survived a strangulation attempt and included medical investigations of NFS injuries, clinical documentation of NFS or medical evidence related to NFS prosecution.

Results Searches found 25 articles that were included for review. Alternate light sources appeared to be the most effective tool for finding evidence of intradermal injury among NFS survivors that were not otherwise visible. However, there was only one article that examined the utility of this tool. Other common diagnostic imaging was less effective at detection, but were sought after by prosecutors, particularly MRIs of the head and neck. Recording injuries and other aspects of the assault using standardised tools specific for NFS were suggested for documenting evidence. Other documentation included writing verbatim quotes of the experience of the assault and taking good quality photographs that could assist with corroborating a survivor’s story and proving intent, if relevant for the jurisdiction.

Conclusion Clinical responses to NFS should include investigation and standardised documentation of internal and external injuries, subjective complaints and the experience of the assault. These records can assist in providing corroborating evidence of the assault, reducing the need for survivor testimony in court proceedings and increasing the likelihood of a guilty plea. (Authors' abstract). Record #8100