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The networking of abuse : intimate partner violence and the use of social technologies Louis Bailey, Joanne Hulley, Tim Gomersall, Gill Kirkman, Graham Gibbs and Adele D. Jones

By: Bailey, ouis.
Contributor(s): Hulley, Joanne | Gomersall, Tim | , Kirkman, Gill | Gibbs, Graham | Jones, Adele D.
Material type: materialTypeLabelArticleSeries: . Publisher: Sage, 2023Subject(s): COERCIVE CONTROL | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | HELP SEEKING | IMAGE-BASED SEXUAL ABUSE | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | ONLINE HARASSMENT | PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE | QUALITATIVE RESEARCH | SOCIAL MEDIA | STALKING | TECHNOLOGY-FACILITATED ABUSE | VICTIM/SURVIVORS' VOICES | VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | INTERNATIONAL | UNITED KINGDOMOnline resources: DOI: 10.1177/00938548231206827 (Open access) In: Criminal Justice and Behavior, 2023, First published online, 17 November 2023Summary: Coercive control has been shown to be far more damaging for victims psychologically than physical violence. Linked to this, domestic violence perpetrators are increasingly turning to the online world to enact control and abuse. Women are most likely to be killed once they have separated from their abusers, and perpetrators harness the online realm to continue the abuse long after a relationship has ended, with devastating consequences. This article draws on a subsection of data from a qualitative study as it relates to survivor accounts of online and technological abuse (via social media, mobile phones, Global Positioning Systems [GPS] tracking, etc.) as it is enacted by cisgender men against cisgender women. We reveal crucial evidence of the ways in which intimate partner abuse via the technological realm serves to exacerbate harm and prevent victims from fully recovering from their trauma. (Authors' abstract). Record #8423
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Criminal Justice and Behavior, 2023, First published online, 17 November 2023

Coercive control has been shown to be far more damaging for victims psychologically than physical violence. Linked to this, domestic violence perpetrators are increasingly turning to the online world to enact control and abuse. Women are most likely to be killed once they have separated from their abusers, and perpetrators harness the online realm to continue the abuse long after a relationship has ended, with devastating consequences. This article draws on a subsection of data from a qualitative study as it relates to survivor accounts of online and technological abuse (via social media, mobile phones, Global Positioning Systems [GPS] tracking, etc.) as it is enacted by cisgender men against cisgender women. We reveal crucial evidence of the ways in which intimate partner abuse via the technological realm serves to exacerbate harm and prevent victims from fully recovering from their trauma. (Authors' abstract). Record #8423