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Evaluation of Kōkihi ngā Rito : what Kōkihi ngā Rito can teach us about building safety for tamariki who have experienced family violence National Council of Independent Women's Refuges

Contributor(s): National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges, 2023Description: 147 pages; electronic document (148 pages) ; PDF.Subject(s): ADVOCACY | CHILD EXPOSURE TO VIOLENCE | CHILDREN | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | EVALUATION | FAMILY VIOLENCE | INTERVENTION | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | Kōkihi ngā Rito | LEGAL PROFESSION | MĀORI | SAFETY | SUPPORT SERVICES | TAMARIKI | VOICES OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE | WOMEN'S REFUGES | NEW ZEALANDDDC classification: 362.76 EVA Online resources: Download report, PDF | Download resource for lawyer for children | Download resource for family justice and child protection professionals Summary: This evaluation is the first in Aotearoa to draw primarily on feedback from children themselves about how individualised family violence advocacy makes them safer. It evaluates the effectiveness of the National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges’ (NCIWR) child advocacy pilot - Kōkihi ngā Rito (KNR). The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) funded a specialist child advocate (Kaiārahi Tamariki, or KT) in six Women’s Refuge sites across the motu to work alongside tamariki aged 5 – 12 years old who have experienced family violence. These sites comprise three General Refuges, two Tangata Whenua Refuges, and one Pasifika Refuge. (From the Executive summary). Record #8464
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This evaluation is the first in Aotearoa to draw primarily on feedback from children themselves about how individualised family violence advocacy makes them safer. It evaluates the effectiveness of the National Collective of Independent
Women’s Refuges’ (NCIWR) child advocacy pilot - Kōkihi ngā Rito (KNR).

The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) funded a specialist child advocate (Kaiārahi Tamariki, or KT) in six Women’s Refuge sites across the motu to work alongside tamariki aged 5 – 12 years old who have experienced family violence.
These sites comprise three General Refuges, two Tangata Whenua Refuges, and one Pasifika Refuge. (From the Executive summary). Record #8464

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