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Let it go : devolving power and resources to improve lives Julie Fry and Peter Wilson

By: Fry, Julie.
Contributor(s): Wilson, Peter.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: NZIER Working paper.Publisher: Wellington, New Zealand : NZIER, 2023Description: electronic document (37 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): COMMUNITY ACTION | COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | ECONOMIC ASPECTS | FUNDING | INTERAGENCY COLLABORATION | SOCIAL POLICY | SOCIAL SERVICES | SOCIOECONOMIC CONDITIONS | WELLBEING | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Download discussion paper, PDF | Access the website In: NZIER Working paper, 2023/02Summary: New Zealand's social assistance system does not meet the needs of people experiencing persistent disadvantage. The government should introduce a deliberate strategy of using a people-centred, devolved approach to address persistent disadvantage. Under a devolved system, power over what to do, when, how and even why rests with the people experiencing disadvantage and the organisations helping them build a better life.(From the website). Record #8523
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NZIER Working paper, 2023/02

New Zealand's social assistance system does not meet the needs of people experiencing persistent disadvantage.

The government should introduce a deliberate strategy of using a people-centred, devolved approach to address persistent disadvantage.

Under a devolved system, power over what to do, when, how and even why rests with the people experiencing disadvantage and the organisations helping them build a better life.(From the website). Record #8523

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