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Amplifying the voices of older people in Aotearoa New Zealand report by the Aged Care Commissioner

Contributor(s): Cooper, Carolyn [Aged Care Commissioner] | Health and Disability Commissioner | Te Toihau Hauora, Hauātanga.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Health and Disability Commissioner | Te Toihau Hauora, Hauātanga, 2024Description: electronic document (56 pages) ; PDF file.ISBN: 978-0-473-70797-2.Subject(s): CAREGIVERS | DEMENTIA | DISABLED PEOPLE | ELDER ABUSE | FINANCIAL ABUSE | HEALTH | INTERAGENCY COLLABORATION | INTERVENTION | KAUMĀTUA | MĀORI | MATE WAREWARE | OLDER PEOPLE | PREVENTION | RESIDENTIAL CARE | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Download report, PDF | Read media release Summary: This report draws on the voices of thousands of older people, their whānau | family including carers, and service providers to outline some core issues in health and disability services for older people. The Aged Care Commissioner has chosen to focus on the need for an integrated continuum of care that concentrates on prevention and the support required to enable older people to navigate services easily. The insights in this report consider the importance of: • The need for better transitions of care for older people from hospital to home and community support services (HCSS) and aged residential care (ARC); • Investing in innovative primary and community care models, including assisting older people to navigate health and disability services; • Preventative interventions for dementia mate wareware; and • Ensuring that people can access reliable, quality HCSS services to age well at home. (From the Executive summary). Record #8607
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This report draws on the voices of thousands of older people, their whānau | family including carers, and service providers to outline some core issues in health and disability services for older people. The Aged Care Commissioner has chosen to focus on the need for an integrated continuum of care that concentrates on prevention and the support required to enable older people to navigate services easily. The insights in this report consider the importance of:
• The need for better transitions of care for older people from hospital to home and community support services (HCSS) and aged residential care (ARC);
• Investing in innovative primary and community care models, including assisting older people to navigate health and disability services;
• Preventative interventions for dementia mate wareware; and
• Ensuring that people can access reliable, quality HCSS services to age well at home. (From the Executive summary). Record #8607

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