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Online misogyny and violent extremism : understanding the landscape (summary report)

Contributor(s): Te Mana Whakaatu | Classifications Office.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Te Mana Whakaatu | Classifications Office, 2024Description: electronic document (27 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): EXTREMISM | LITERATURE REVIEWS | MISOGYNY | ONLINE HARASSMENT | SEXUAL VIOLENCE | TECHNOLOGY-FACILITATED ABUSE | VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Download report, PDF | Key insights - online resource | Access the related online resource | About this project Summary: The Classifications Office commissioned Hate and Extremism Insights Aotearoa (HEIA) to conduct a focused literature review on online misogyny, a summary of government and social media responses to this type of content, and a content analysis of New Zealand-based posts on fringe platforms. The research team at the Classification Office reviewed academic research reports, articles, and published documents. Additionally, the team sought insights from different government departments, Crown entities and NGOs. Following this, the Classification Office developed an online reference resource and this summary report. (From the report). Record #8690
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Published May 2024

The Classifications Office commissioned Hate and Extremism Insights
Aotearoa (HEIA) to conduct a focused literature review
on online misogyny, a summary of government and
social media responses to this type of content, and
a content analysis of New Zealand-based posts on
fringe platforms.

The research team at the Classification Office reviewed
academic research reports, articles, and published
documents. Additionally, the team sought insights
from different government departments, Crown
entities and NGOs. Following this, the Classification
Office developed an online reference resource and
this summary report. (From the report). Record #8690

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