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A handbook on supporting people with intellectual disability who have experienced domestic and family violence People with Disability Australia (PWDA) and WWILD

Contributor(s): People With Disability Australia (PWDA) | WWILD.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Sydney, NSW : People with Disability Australia (PWDA) and WWILD, 2022Description: electronic document (100 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): ACCESSIBILITY | DISABLED PEOPLE | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | FAMILY VIOLENCE | GUIDELINES | PEOPLE WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES | SUPPORT SERVICES | WOMEN | INTERNATIONAL | AUSTRALIAOnline resources: Download handbook, PDF | Watch related video on YouTube | Download creating an inclusive action plan, Word | Building access project website | Access WWILD website for more resources Summary: People with Disability Australia (PWDA) and WWILD have prepared this handbook. WWILD supports people with intellectual or learning disabilities who are victims or survivors of sexual violence or have been victims of crime. The handbook is targeted at the New South Wales (NSW) sexual, domestic and family violence (SDFV) sector and aim to develop people’s skills and knowledge on how to support people with intellectual or learning disability who have experienced domestic and family violence (DFV). PWDA and WWILD’s handbook has been developed in response to requests from the NSW Women’s Alliance and the DFV sector for support and information on this topic. This handbook forms part of the NSW Government Communities & Justice–funded Building Access project delivered by PWDA that is also funded by Women NSW. (From the handbook). Record #8715
List(s) this item appears in: Best practice
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People with Disability Australia (PWDA) and WWILD have prepared this handbook. WWILD supports people with intellectual or learning disabilities who are victims or survivors of sexual violence or have been victims of crime.

The handbook is
targeted at the New South Wales (NSW) sexual, domestic and family violence (SDFV)
sector and aim to develop people’s skills and knowledge on how to support people with
intellectual or learning disability who have experienced domestic and family violence
(DFV). PWDA and WWILD’s handbook has been developed in response to requests from
the NSW Women’s Alliance and the DFV sector for support and information on this topic.
This handbook forms part of the NSW Government Communities & Justice–funded
Building Access project delivered by PWDA that is also funded by Women NSW. (From the handbook). Record #8715

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