Military-Style Academy Pilot : fact sheet Oranga Tarmariki, Ministry for Children
Contributor(s): Oranga Tamariki, Ministry for Children
Material type: 

This fact sheet provides information about the Military-Style Academy Pilot.
The Military-Style Academy Pilot is part of a wider set of initiatives the Government is undertaking to address
serious youth offending. This includes the new Young Serious Offender (YSO) declaration for young offenders, to
ensure they face tougher consequences and are better supported to turn their lives around.
Young people with a YSO declaration could be sent to a new Military-Style Academy, be subjected to a greater
use of electronic and judicial monitoring, and Police will have the power to arrest without warrant for non-
compliance with conditions of an order or a breach of bail conditions.
This work supports the Government’s target to reduce serious repeat youth offending by 15 percent.
Legislation to create the YSO declaration will be introduced before the end of 2024. The YSO legislation is
required before the military-style academies can be rolled out on an ongoing basis. Meanwhile, the Military-Style
Academy Pilot will begin in late July 2024 and will be progressed under existing legislation. See also the related Young Serious Offender Declaration
Fact Sheet. (From the fact sheet). Record #8769