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Whanaketia : through pain and trauma, from darkness to light. Preliminaries and Parts 1 - 9 and Survivor experiences Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry

Contributor(s): New Zealand. Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry, 2024Description: electronic document (10 volumes) ; PDF, DOCX & HTML files.ISBN: 978-0-473-71010-1 (online).Other title: The final report on the abuse and neglect of children, young people and adults in the care of the State and faith-based institutions in Aotearoa New Zealand between 1950 and 1999.Subject(s): New Zealand. Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry | ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES | ADULT SURVIVORS OF CHILD ABUSE | ADULT SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL ABUSE | ABUSED MEN | ABUSED WOMEN | CHILD ABUSE | CHILD NEGLECT | CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE | CHILD PROTECTION | CHILD WELFARE | DEAF COMMUNITY | DISABLED PEOPLE | EDUCATION | EMOTIONAL ABUSE | GENDER DIVERSE | HEALING | HUMAN RIGHTS | INSTITUTIONAL ABUSE | INSTITUTIONAL CARE | LGBTIQ+ | MĀORI | MENTAL HEALTH | PACIFIC PEOPLES | PASIFIKA | PEOPLE WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES | PERPETRATORS | PHYSICAL ABUSE | PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS | PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE | RELIGION | SCHOOLS | SEXUAL VIOLENCE | SOCIAL SERVICES | TAKATĀPUI | TAIOHI | TAITAMARIKI | TAMARIKI | TĀNGATA TURI MĀORI | TĀNGATA WHAIKAHA | TIRITI O WAITANGI | VICTIM/SURVIVORS' VOICES | YOUNG MOTHERS | YOUNG OFFENDERS | YOUNG PEOPLE | YOUTH JUSTICE | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Whanaketia - final report - read online, download PDF or DOCX files or alternative formats | Recommendations | Preliminaries | Part 1; Purpose and process | Part 2: Context | Part 3: Circumstances | Part 4: Nature and extent | Part 5: Impacts | Part 6: Te Tiriti o Waitangi and human rights | Part 7: Factors | Part 8: Puretumu torowhānui, holistic redress | Part 9: The future | Survivor experiences - for the survivors, by the survivors | Access related Case studies | He Take Rangahau | Summaries and guides | Read commentary in The Conversation, 23/7/2024 | Read NZFVC news item
Preliminaries - He kapenga tuatahi (164 pages)
Part 1: Purpose and process - Rukuhia te pū o te hinengaro (180 pages)
Part 2: Context - He auhi nō te puku (230 pages)
Part 3: Circumstances - Ngā tipua whakawai (190 pages)
Part 4: Nature and extent - Māngai nuitia te kupu pono (352 pages)
Part 5: Impacts - I mahue kau noa i te tika (164 pages)
Part 6: Te Tiriti o Waitangi and human rights - Te ture i raurangi rā (64 pages)
Part 7: Factors - Ngā haukino o te wā (336 pages)
Part 8: Puretumu Torowhānui, Holistic Redress - Tiritiria ki toi whenua (86 pages)
Part 9: The Future - Hei ara mōu kei taku pōkai kōtuku (364 pages)
Survivor experiences - for the survivors, by the survivors (348 pages)
Summary: This report is made up of preliminaries, nine parts, a survivor experience study and five case studies (#8817-#8821). Whanaketia should be read in full, along with the other reports from the Inquiry to understand the overall picture of abuse and neglect in the care of State and faithbased institutions from 1950 to 1999. (From the Preliminaries volume). See also the case studies, survivor experiences - Ngā kōreo o ngā purupura ora, summaries and recommendations. Record #8822
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Access online Access online Family Violence library
Online Available ON24070068

Presented to the Governor-General by the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions, June 2024
Released, 24 July 2024

Preliminaries - He kapenga tuatahi (164 pages)

Part 1: Purpose and process - Rukuhia te pū o te hinengaro (180 pages)

Part 2: Context - He auhi nō te puku (230 pages)

Part 3: Circumstances - Ngā tipua whakawai (190 pages)

Part 4: Nature and extent - Māngai nuitia te kupu pono (352 pages)

Part 5: Impacts - I mahue kau noa i te tika (164 pages)

Part 6: Te Tiriti o Waitangi and human rights - Te ture i raurangi rā (64 pages)

Part 7: Factors - Ngā haukino o te wā (336 pages)

Part 8: Puretumu Torowhānui, Holistic Redress - Tiritiria ki toi whenua (86 pages)

Part 9: The Future - Hei ara mōu kei taku pōkai kōtuku (364 pages)

Survivor experiences - for the survivors, by the survivors (348 pages)

This report is made up of preliminaries, nine parts, a survivor experience study and five case studies (#8817-#8821). Whanaketia should be read in full, along with the other reports from the Inquiry to understand the overall picture of abuse and neglect in the care of State and faithbased institutions from 1950 to 1999. (From the Preliminaries volume).

See also the case studies, survivor experiences - Ngā kōreo o ngā purupura ora, summaries and recommendations.
Record #8822

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