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Disability overview : developed by Dr Patsie Frawley as an independent consultant to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions Patsie Frawley

By: Frawley, Patsie.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 2024Description: electronic document (26 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): New Zealand. Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry | ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES | ABLEISM | ADULT SURVIVORS OF CHILD ABUSE | ADULT SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL ABUSE | CHILD ABUSE | CHILD NEGLECT | CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE | CHILD PROTECTION | CHILD WELFARE | DISABLED PEOPLE | EDUCATION | EMOTIONAL ABUSE | HUMAN RIGHTS | INSTITUTIONAL ABUSE | INSTITUTIONAL CARE | INTERSECTIONALITY | MĀORI | MENTAL HEALTH | PACIFIC PEOPLES | PASIFIKA | PEOPLE WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES | PERPETRATORS | PHYSICAL ABUSE | PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS | PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE | SEXUAL VIOLENCE | SEXUALITY EDUCATION | SCHOOLS | SOCIAL SERVICES | TAIOHI | TAITAMARIKI | TAMARIKI | TĀNGATA WHAIKAHA | TIRITI O WAITANGI | VICTIM/SURVIVORS' VOICES | YOUNG PEOPLE | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online | Read Whanaketia - final report Summary: This report, by Dr Patsie Fawley, provides an expert opinion on how disability, gender, age, culture, mental illness and race intersect in relation to experiences of abuse and neglect. (From the website). Record #8838
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Prepared for the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions, Released July 2024

This report, by Dr Patsie Fawley, provides an expert opinion on how disability, gender, age, culture, mental illness and race intersect in relation to experiences of abuse and neglect. (From the website). Record #8838