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Quantitative analysis of abuse in care DOT Consulting for the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry

Contributor(s): DOT Consulting.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry, 2023Description: electronic document (82 volumes) ; PDF file.Subject(s): New Zealand. Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry | ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES | ADULT SURVIVORS OF CHILD ABUSE | ADULT SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL ABUSE | ABUSED MEN | ABUSED WOMEN | CHILD ABUSE | CHILD NEGLECT | CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE | CHILD PROTECTION | CHILD WELFARE | DATA ANAYLYSIS | DEAF COMMUNITY | DISABLED PEOPLE | EDUCATION | EMOTIONAL ABUSE | GENDER DIVERSE | INSTITUTIONAL ABUSE | INSTITUTIONAL CARE | LGBTIQ+ | MĀORI | MENTAL HEALTH | PACIFIC PEOPLES | PASIFIKA | PEOPLE WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES | PERPETRATORS | PHYSICAL ABUSE | PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS | PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE | RELIGION | SCHOOLS | SEXUAL VIOLENCE | SOCIAL SERVICES | TAKATĀPUI | TAIOHI | TAITAMARIKI | TAMARIKI | TĀNGATA TURI MĀORI | TĀNGATA WHAIKAHA | TIRITI O WAITANGI | VICTIM/SURVIVORS' VOICES | YOUNG MOTHERS | YOUNG OFFENDERS | YOUNG PEOPLE | YOUTH JUSTICE | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online Summary: DOT Loves Data is one of New Zealand’s leading providers of data science, data analysis and data visualisation. It employs a range of PhD level researchers and data scientists to ensure it is able to solve and distil complex problems into actionable insights. DOT was engaged to provide a quantitative analysis of the data collected from the 2,329 survivor abuse accounts as defined by its terms of reference. Using natural language processing, its role was to assist the Royal Commission to understand any existing data gaps, to improve the data integrity, and explain the data gaps in an easy to understand way. As the data collection techniques were improved throughout the collection of the survivor accounts, DOT’s remit was to ensure consistent analysis was captured across all accounts, based on both written and audio transcripts, in relation to features such as ethnicity, iwi, gender, LGBTQIA+, mental distress and disability. (From the website). Record #8848
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Prepared for the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions, September 2023.
Released, 24 July 2024

DOT Loves Data is one of New Zealand’s leading providers of data science, data analysis and data visualisation. It employs a range of PhD level researchers and data scientists to ensure it is able to solve and distil complex problems into actionable insights.

DOT was engaged to provide a quantitative analysis of the data collected from the 2,329 survivor abuse accounts as defined by its terms of reference. Using natural language processing, its role was to assist the Royal Commission to understand any existing data gaps, to improve the data integrity, and explain the data gaps in an easy to understand way. As the data collection techniques were improved throughout the collection of the survivor accounts, DOT’s remit was to ensure consistent analysis was captured across all accounts, based on both written and audio transcripts, in relation to features such as ethnicity, iwi, gender, LGBTQIA+, mental distress and disability. (From the website). Record #8848

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