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Te mahi tika mō a tātou mokopuna : ngā tohutohu mai i te kotahitanga o ngā iwi o te ao ki te whakapiki i ngā motika ma ngā mokopuna ki Aotearoa Mana Mokopuna - Children and Young People's Commission

Contributor(s): Mana Mokopuna - Children and Young People's Commission.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Mana Mokopuna - Children and Young People's Commission, 2024Description: electronic document (11 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): ADOLESCENTS | CHILDREN | CHILDREN'S RIGHTS | Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC) | DISABLED PEOPLE | HAUMARUTANGA | MĀORI | ORA | RAUEMI MO MĀORI | RESOURCES FOR CHILDREN | RESOURCES FOR MĀORI | SAFETY | TAIOHI | TAITAMARIKI | TAMARIKI | TĀNGATA WHAIKAHA | TIKANGA TANGATA | VOICES OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE | WELLBEING | YOUNG PEOPLE | YOUTH JUSTICE | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Download booklet (te reo Māori), PDF | Download booklet (English), PDF | Access the website | Committee's Concluding observations on NZ (2023) | Convention on the Rights of the Child Summary: This is the te reo Māori booklet on children's rights, described, in English, on the website. This child-friendly resource sets our all rights under the Children's Convention and explains the UN Committee's Concluding Observations on New Zealand in a way that children and young people will enjoy reading. With colourful artwork by Hope McConnell, this new resource was developed together with a diverse range of children and young people around Aotearoa New Zealand, and is a way to support them to understand their rights under the Convention. It was launched at the Children's Rights Symposium, hosted by the Children's Convention Monitoring Group on August 1, 2024. (From the website). This downloadable booklet is also available in English (#8859). Record #8860
List(s) this item appears in: Te ao Māori - Frameworks, strategies and tools
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This is the te reo Māori booklet on children's rights, described, in English, on the website.

This child-friendly resource sets our all rights under the Children's Convention and explains the UN Committee's Concluding Observations on New Zealand in a way that children and young people will enjoy reading.

With colourful artwork by Hope McConnell, this new resource was developed together with a diverse range of children and young people around Aotearoa New Zealand, and is a way to support them to understand their rights under the Convention.

It was launched at the Children's Rights Symposium, hosted by the Children's Convention Monitoring Group on August 1, 2024. (From the website). This downloadable booklet is also available in English (#8859). Record #8860

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