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The Aotearoa Aged Care Action Plan New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services

Contributor(s): New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services, 2024Description: electronic document (35 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): HOME-BASED CARE | KAUMĀTUA | OLDER PEOPLE | RESIDENTIAL CARE | SUPPORT SERVICES | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Download plan, PDF | Read NZCCSS media release about plan Summary: This plan outlines the steps the New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services (NZCCSS) sees as critical to right the course of Aged Care in Aotearoa New Zealand. NZCCSS members working in communities across the country see the challenges of the current system, and they have collated their insights to produce a series of discrete action points that can be implemented now to improve aged care. These urgent steps will meet the most pressing needs of the sector and deliver immediate results to those who need it most, while also having a future focus. NZCCSS hope is that this plan triggers a shift in political prioritisation, and that future plans for the sector are created in collaboration with governments who care deeply about the welfare of our kaumātua. (From the Foreword). Record #8873
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This plan outlines the steps the New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services (NZCCSS) sees as critical to right the course of Aged Care in Aotearoa New Zealand. NZCCSS members working in communities across the country see the challenges of the current system, and they have collated their insights to produce a series of discrete action points that can be implemented now to improve aged care. These urgent steps will meet the most pressing needs of the sector and deliver immediate results to those who need it most, while also having a future focus.

NZCCSS hope is that this plan triggers a shift in political prioritisation, and that future plans for the sector are created in collaboration with governments who care deeply about the welfare of our kaumātua. (From the Foreword). Record #8873

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