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The Hive : content regulation review prepared by The Hive for the Department of Internal Affairs

Contributor(s): The Hive.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: The Hive, 2022Description: electronic document (22 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs | ADOLESCENTS | GOVERNMENT POLICY | LAW REFORM | MEDIA | ONLINE HARASSMENT | SAFETY | SOCIAL MEDIA | TECHNOLOGY-FACILITATED ABUSE | VOICES OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE | VIOLENCE | YOUNG PEOPLE | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Download report, PDF | Access The Hive website Summary: In autumn 2022 The Hive engaged with young people about content so their voices could shape the Department of Internal Affairs’ Content Regulation Reforms. The Hive ran a two-week public engagement on Instagram which asked about the yuck, the yum, the harm and young people's hopes when it comes to content. This resulted in 729 responses. The Hive then offered taiohi the opportunity to have a one-on-one kōrero with The Hive in their Instagram DMs. The Hive had an overwhelming response from young people from across Aotearoa. (From the website). Record #8884
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In autumn 2022 The Hive engaged with young people about content so their voices could shape the Department of Internal Affairs’ Content Regulation Reforms. The Hive ran a two-week public engagement on Instagram which asked about the yuck, the yum, the harm and young people's hopes when it comes to content. This resulted in 729 responses. The Hive then offered taiohi the opportunity to have a one-on-one kōrero with The Hive in their Instagram DMs. The Hive had an overwhelming response from young people from across Aotearoa. (From the website). Record #8884