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Te Aorerekura : Action Plan 2025 - 2030. Breaking the cycle Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa | New Zealand Government

Contributor(s): New Zealand Government.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa | New Zealand Government, 2024Description: electronic document (36 pages) ; PDF & DOCX files; 34 pages ; 21 cm; 34 pages ; 21 cm.Subject(s): New Zealand. Board for the Elimination of Family Violence and Sexual Violence | Te Puna Aonui | CHILD ABUSE | FAMILY VIOLENCE | GOVERNMENT POLICY | INTERVENTION | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | PREVENTION | SEXUAL VIOLENCE | STRATEGY | Te Aorerekura | National Strategy | AUKATI TŪKINOTANGA | KAUPAPA | PATU TAMARIKI | RAWEKE TAMARIKI | TAITŌKAI | TŪKINOTANGA Ā-WHĀNAU | NEW ZEALANDDDC classification: 362.8292 TEA Online resources: Download action plan, PDF | Dowload action plan, Word DOCX | Access the website Summary: The second action plan's seven areas of focus over the next five years (2025 - 2030) include: 1. Investing and Commissioning well, 2. Keeping people safe, 3. Stopping violence, 4. Protecting Children and Young People, 5. Strengthening our workforce, 6. Taking action on sexual violence, and 7. Preventing violence before it starts. Overall, delivering this Plan will achieve the following outcomes: • ensuring more people, whānau, and families can access effective tailored services and supports, • more people who use, or have used violence, are held accountable, and • less family violence and sexual violence reoffending. (From the Te Puna Aonui Pānui, December 2024). Record #9090
List(s) this item appears in: Strategies
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Released December 2024

The second action plan's seven areas of focus over the next five years (2025 - 2030) include:
1. Investing and Commissioning well,
2. Keeping people safe,
3. Stopping violence,
4. Protecting Children and Young People,
5. Strengthening our workforce,
6. Taking action on sexual violence, and
7. Preventing violence before it starts.

Overall, delivering this Plan will achieve the following outcomes:
• ensuring more people, whānau, and families can access effective tailored services and
• more people who use, or have used violence, are held accountable, and
• less family violence and sexual violence reoffending.
(From the Te Puna Aonui Pānui, December 2024). Record #9090

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