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Three year Maneaba strategic action plan: for Kiribati communities in New Zealand 2016 - 2019

Contributor(s): Pasefika Proud.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Pasefika Proud, 2016Description: electronic document (24 pages) ; PDF file.Subject(s): AUKATI TŪKINOTANGA | COMMUNITY ACTION | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | CULTURE | FAMILY VIOLENCE | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | KIRIBATI PEOPLE | PACIFIC PEOPLES | PASIFIKA | PREVENTION | RAUTAKI | STRATEGY | TĀNGATA O TE MOANA-NUI-A-KIWA | WELLBEING | NEW ZEALAND | KIRIBATIOnline resources: Download plan, PDF, 2.9 MB Summary: This strategic action plan was developed by the Kiribati project team. Mission statement: To prevent all forms of family violence through capacity building, community connectedness and ownership. Strategic goals: Promote positive, strength-based messaging to support healthy relationships and behaviour; Harness strong cultural identity to create a positive environment: Build community connectedness and ownership. Record #9114
List(s) this item appears in: Strategies
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This strategic action plan was developed by the Kiribati project team.

Mission statement: To prevent all forms of family violence through capacity
building, community connectedness and ownership.

Strategic goals: Promote positive, strength-based messaging to
support healthy relationships and behaviour;
Harness strong cultural identity to create a positive
Build community connectedness and ownership. Record #9114

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