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History, herstory, theirstory Rape Prevention Education | Mauri Trust

Contributor(s): Rape Prevention Education | Mauri Trust.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Rape Prevention Education | Mauri Trust, c2006Description: electronic resource ; HTML.Subject(s): National Collective of Rape Crisis & Related Groups of Aotearoa Inc | Rape Crisis Auckland | Rape Prevention Education | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | HISTORY | INTERVENTION | KŌRERO NEHE | RAPE | SEXUAL VIOLENCE | TAITŌKAI | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Click here to access online Summary: A brief history of Rape Prevention Education from it's formation as Rape Crisis Auckland in the 1970s. to it's disaffiliation from the National Collective of Rape Crisis Groups in 2000. In 2006 RCA formally changed its name to Rape Prevention Education Whakatu Mauri (RPE) and continues to foster a cooperative working relationship with the National Collective of Rape Crisis and Te Ohaaki o Hine-National Network to End Sexual Violence Together ( TOAH-NNEST) in advocating for the elimination of sexual violence. (From the website). Record #9137
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A brief history of Rape Prevention Education from it's formation as Rape Crisis Auckland in the 1970s. to it's disaffiliation from the National Collective of Rape Crisis Groups in 2000.

In 2006 RCA formally changed its name to Rape Prevention Education Whakatu Mauri (RPE) and continues to foster a cooperative working relationship with the National Collective of Rape Crisis and Te Ohaaki o Hine-National Network to End Sexual Violence Together ( TOAH-NNEST) in advocating for the elimination of sexual violence. (From the website). Record #9137