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Experiences of care in Aotearoa : Aroturuki Tamariki | Independent Children's Monitor agency compliance with the National Care Standards and Related Matters Regulations. Reporting period 1 July 2023 - 30 June 2024

Contributor(s): Aroturuki Tamariki | Independent Children's Monitor.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wellington, New Zealand : Aroturuki Tamariki | Independent Children's Monitor, 2025Description: electronic document (134 pages) ; PDF file.ISBN: 2816-0363 - Online.Subject(s): Barnardos | Kōkiri Marae | Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health | Open Home Foundation | Oranga Tamariki, Ministry for Children | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education | CHILD PROTECTION | CHILD ABUSE | CHILD NEGLECT | CHILD WELFARE | CHILDREN'S RIGHTS | EDUCATION | HAUORA | HEALTH | OUT OF HOME CARE | LEGISLATION | MĀORI | MĀTAURANGA | Oranga Tamariki (National Care Standards and Related Matters) Regulations 2018 | SOCIAL SERVICES | SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE | STATISTICS | SUPPORT SERVICES | TAIOHI | TAITAMARIKI | TAMARIKI | TĀTAURANGA | TOKO I TE ORA | VOICES OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE | INSTITUTIONAL ABUSE | NEW ZEALANDOnline resources: Download report, PDF | Read illustrated summary | Read online | Read agency responses, 2023/24 | Read media release | Access the website for other reports Independent Children's Monitor report, June 2023 (published February 2024)Summary: The National Care Standards (NCS) Regulations came into effect in 2019, and set out the minimum standard of care that must be provided when the state has custody of a child. Aroturuki Tamariki | Independent Children's Monitor (ICM) reports annually on whether agencies with custody and care responsibilities are complying with the National Care Standards Regulations and whether it is making a difference for tamariki (children) and (young people) in care. ICM does this by looking at what the data shows and what people tell ICM they are experiencing. This is the fourth full report on compliance with the NCS Regulations. It found that tamariki and rangatahi are still not receiving the minimum standard of care required by the NCS Regulations. Oranga Tamariki, Open Home Foundation, Barnardos, and Kōkiri Marae have custody and care responsibilities. Oranga Tamariki had custody of around 99 percent of the 5,722 children in care during the 2023/24 reporting period. Record #9142
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Independent Children's Monitor report, June 2024 (published February 2025).

The National Care Standards (NCS) Regulations came into effect in 2019, and set out the minimum standard of care that must be provided when the state has custody of a child.

Aroturuki Tamariki | Independent Children's Monitor (ICM) reports annually on whether agencies with custody and care responsibilities are complying with the National Care Standards Regulations and whether it is making a difference for tamariki (children) and (young people) in care. ICM does this by looking at what the data shows and what people tell ICM they are experiencing.

This is the fourth full report on compliance with the NCS Regulations. It found that tamariki and rangatahi are still not receiving the minimum standard of care required by the NCS Regulations.

Oranga Tamariki, Open Home Foundation, Barnardos, and Kōkiri Marae have custody and care responsibilities. Oranga Tamariki had custody of around 99 percent of the 5,722 children in care during the 2023/24 reporting period. Record #9142

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