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Violence and domestic abuse : information for disabled people. Easy Read information translated into Easy Read by People First New Zealand | Ngā Tangata Tuatahi

Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Auckland, N.Z : [Auckland Domestic Violence and Disability Group] People First New Zealand | Ngā Tangata Tuatahi, [2014]Description: 34 pages. ; 30 cm. electronic resource (36 pages); PDF file: 1.32 MB, DOC & DOCX formats available version; electronic resource (18 p.); PDF file: 1.3 MB; electronic resource (19 video clips) : New Zealand Sign Language version; electronic document (34 p.); PDF file: 1.32 MB; electronic document.Subject(s): DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | DISABILITY | SUPPORT SERVICES | INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE | RESOURCES FOR DISABLED PEOPLE | RESOURCES FOR VICTIMS | VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | DISABLED PEOPLE | PEOPLE WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES | NEW ZEALANDDDC classification: 362.4 VIO Online resources: Download booklet, archived by National Library, PDF | Download booklet, DOCX | Access 2016 version of this booklet Summary: Note: Link to the "Keeping safe, feeling safe. Say no to abuse" easy read resource on the current Are you OK website. This is an Easy Read translation of the "Domestic violence and disabled people" booklet (see item #3725), translated by People First New Zealand - Nga Tangata Tuatahi. It is available in print, PDF, DOC and DOCX formats. The original "Domestic violence and disabled people" booklet for disabled people and their carers was launched in Auckland on 8 March, 2011. The booklet has been developed by the Auckland Domestic Violence and Disability Working Group (DVD), and funded by the It's not OK Campaign. The booklet describes specific forms of violence, abuse and discrimination that happen to disabled people, who abusers could be and includes a quiz readers can do to find out if they are being abused. It highlights how agencies can respond effectively to family violence with disabled people and how individuals can seek help and increase their safety and that of their children.The Auckland Domestic Violence and Disability Group worked with the national Disability Coalition Against Violence to ensure messaging and images were appropriate. The booklet can be ordered from the It's not OK website. A New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) version of this booklet (19 video clips available online) was produced in 2013. Follow the NZSL link to access.
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Booklet Booklet Family Violence library
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Booklet Booklet Family Violence library
TRO 362.4 VIO Available FV14110221
Booklet Booklet Family Violence library
Online Available ON14110222

Note: Link to the "Keeping safe, feeling safe. Say no to abuse" easy read resource on the current Are you OK website.

This is an Easy Read translation of the "Domestic violence and disabled people" booklet (see item #3725), translated by People First New Zealand - Nga Tangata Tuatahi. It is available in print, PDF, DOC and DOCX formats.

The original "Domestic violence and disabled people" booklet for disabled people and their carers was launched in Auckland on 8 March, 2011. The booklet has been developed by the Auckland Domestic Violence and Disability Working Group (DVD), and funded by the It's not OK Campaign. The booklet describes specific forms of violence, abuse and discrimination that happen to disabled people, who abusers could be and includes a quiz readers can do to find out if they are being abused. It highlights how agencies can respond effectively to family violence with disabled people and how individuals can seek help and increase their safety and that of their children.The Auckland Domestic Violence and Disability Group worked with the national Disability Coalition Against Violence to ensure messaging and images were appropriate. The booklet can be ordered from the It's not OK website. A New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) version of this booklet (19 video clips available online) was produced in 2013. Follow the NZSL link to access.

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